
+91-7558 011577


Vilayancode, P.O Mandur, Kannur Dt.
  • All the students of studs Vl to X may borrow books from the school library. Std 1 to V have their own class libraries.
  • Students may choose their books from the shelves. They must take the books to the librarian for checking.
  • Exchange of library books is not permitted.
  • Books may be kept for one week and must be returned on due date on the date-slip . I f needed, renewal for a second week may be granted.
  • Students who keep books longer than the time permitted will to pay one rupee fine a day.
  • If any books is lost or badly damaged by any student it has to be replaced
  • Class library facility arranged for the students is to be utilized by the wards to its full during the stipulated time.
  • Books in the reference section may not be taken out of the library.
  • Never disfigure a library book or damage it in anyway.
  • The attention of the librarian should be drawn to damage of books about to be borrowed.
  • All books taken from the library should be returned one week before the terminal and year-end examination
  • No students will be allowed to sit for the above examination unless clearance is granted from the library.
  • Silence is to be maintained in the library at all times.